Mission News

News Updates – April 2024

   The Leprosy Mission has been in existence for 150 years. Leprosy is more prevalent In developing parts of the world where sanitation and nutrition are poor. Approximately 200,000 people are diagnosed with it every year. There is still a certain stigma around those with the illness. TLM seeks to dispel the myths surrounding Leprosy and provides specific treatment which after 72 hours stops the disease from spreading and prevents it being infectious. TLM have many projects to support those marginalised due to this illness.


      The Association of Baptist Churches in Israel   (with links to Nazareth Evangelical College) is thankful for the number of young people who, despite the troubles facing the Middle East at present, want to expand their faith and meet together to encourage others. The work the ABC and NEC do is vital in these challenging times, seeking to train Pastors and Teachers, to bring hope to all those struggling to make sense of their world. The young people are Israeli Arabs and are the future of that land. Please pray for them!

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